Test Page

*  This is a test site, I am going to experiment with http://userstyles.org. This sentence, or bullet is enclosed in <DIV> tag with an ID of uo.

*  This is a test site. The menu bar was last refreshed while I was looking at translation.

*  And now I have a wordpress blog at https://davelevy.info/blog and a test wordpress instance at http://mom.deptford.red/. Enjoy.

*  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. This sentence, or bullet is enclosed in <DIV> tag with an ID of fox.

*  I made a hexmap, it's very limited at the moment.

*  I made a modals example..

*  The translate buttons have been fixed, including the Italian button which now uses yandex. I have added a 2nd line, with Polish, Punjabi, Urdu & Bengali buttons.

*  To return to the untranslated domain, use the browser back button or renter the URL into the search bar.